Expert insight

Active and index: Characteristics, not labels

August 27, 2024

Jim Rowley

Global Head of Investment Implementation Research, Vanguard Investment Strategy Group

A table compares successful index and active fund investing. The first column lists Vanguard’s four principles for investing success, with each row representing a different principle: Goals, Balance, Cost, and Discipline. The table lists how each principle applies to index funds and active funds.  For goals, the table notes that successful index fund investing focuses on the goal of relative performance predictability, whereas successful active fund investing provides the opportunity to achieve the goal of outperformance.  For balance, successful index fund investing provides balance of risk and return by diversifying across the entire market segment, whereas successful active fund investing requires balance between diversification and the magnitude of outperformance.  For cost, successful index fund investing minimizes cost, an enduring determinant of performance, whereas successful active fund investing curtails cost to increase the likelihood of outperformance.  For discipline, successful index fund investing encourages discipline that helps investors increase the likelihood of investment success, whereas successful active fund investing requires discipline to realize the benefits of active funds.
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