Behavioral research

Quantifying the value of human and digital advice

April 22, 2022

A survey question asks human-advised investors: “If you had to leave your current [human] advisor today, what type of advising relationship would you search for in the future?” A bar chart shows that 76% of those investors replied that they would seek out a human advisor, and 17% would seek a service combining a digital advisor and human advisor. Only 4% would search for a digital advisor or service, and 3% would not search for a new advising relationship and would manage their investments on their own.
Another survey question asks investors who use digital advisors how willing they are to work with a human financial advisor in the future. A bar chart shows that 88% replied that they were willing to do so, 6% were indifferent, and another 6% were unwilling to work with a human advisor.


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