Vanguard at a glance

Facts and figures

Fast facts

Vanguard’s CEO and chairman, Tim Buckley

Vanguard’s CEO and chairman, Tim Buckley

Vanguard’s CEO and chairman, Tim Buckley.

Core purpose:


Vanguard commences operations May 1, 1975


Wellington Fund, Vanguard’s oldest, launches July 1, 1929


Number of funds offered worldwide, as of May 31, 2024: 208 in the U.S. (including variable annuity portfolios) and 215 in markets outside the U.S.


More than 50 million investors, as of December 31, 2023


Asset-weighted average U.S. fund expenses, as a share of 2023 average net U.S. assets**


Approximate number of crew (employees) worldwide, as of December 31, 2023

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Vanguard is the trusted name in investing. Since our founding in 1975, we’ve put investors first.